Monday, April 28, 2014

The Nursery

We didn't find out Georgie's gender before he was born. So, I wanted a gender neutral nursery that could be used for future children too. I also wanted a sweet nursery because babies are babies for such a short time. Beatrix Potter and Peter Rabbit were perfect!

We painted the walls  a soft butter yellow. The Peter Rabbit bedding is from Pottery Barn and was a gift from my mother-in-law and sisters-in-law.  The dresser is from Walmart. The glider is from a local furniture store and the brand is called Best Chairs (I think). It's very comfortable.

My favorite part about the nursery is the alphabet wall that I made. I used cute flashcards that I purchased on Etsy. They are hung with plain white ribbon and mini clothes pins. I saw the idea on Pinterest so I can't take all the credit. I love how it turned out!

The white shelves are from Target. Special thanks to my brother-in-law for hanging them! The little sign on the dresser is actually a peanut bag from a baseball game. It says, "Happiness is a Peanut". We called our little one "Peanut" from day one.

The crib and changing table were bought second hand from a good friend, so I know they were well taken care of and gently used. The gingam curtains and the white baskets are also from Pottery Barn.

I love this nursery. I couldn't be happier with how it turned out!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Georgie's First Easter!

Georgie had a very busy first Easter. We were up with the sun to get to the early church service.

Decked out in Sunday finest

Georgie was fantastic during the service. He slept through it all! Then back home for Easter basket treats. Lots of plates and bowls for solid foods! Also, a book!

He was excited about it!

We also had some delicious banana. I'm not sure Georgie thought the banana was quite as delicious as Mama claimed.

After lunch, a special nap with cuddles while Daddy read.

Then off to Grandma's house for a special dinner and fun family time.

After dinner we took a nice walk in the stroller and then off to bed! What a wonderful day to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord. Hope your Easter was just as special.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

6 Months and First Solids!

We've been so busy around here lately. Nice weather plus Daddy being home for a few days means not much time for blogging. Here's a quick update:

Georgie turned 6 months old! Happy half birthday buddy. Where did the time go?

He also tried his first solid food on his sixth month birthday: avocado!

He liked them!
Sadly, he had a mild reaction to them so we had to stop giving him avocado after the second day (mildly swollen bottom lip). We moved on to bigger and better things! Bananas!

Surprisingly, he's not such a big fan of bananas. I thought all babies like banana. Oh, well.

Tomorrow, I'll update you on Georgie's first Easter! Happy Easter everyone!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Weekly Menu a Little Late and Playing Outside!

The weather has been so nice lately I've been taking a break from technology to enjoy the outdoors while I still can (going to be cold again tomorrow). But here's a quick weekly menu!
Monday: Cabbage and Ham, Biscuits (never made this last week)
Tuesday: Spaghetti, Salad, Garlic Bread
Wednesday: Chicken, Bacon, and Avocado Chopped Salad
Thursday: Pierogies, Applesauce, Peas
Friday: Breaded Pork Chops, Green Beans, Baked Sweet Potato

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real

Like Mother, Like Daughter does a weekly post every Thursday called Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real. It's meant to be a weekly encouragement and help in finding contentment in everyday life. I'm happy to join.

Pretty and Happy
Spring is here! Always so happy to see these flowers (weeds?) in my yard. They always surprise me, every year.

Poor Georgie is teething. I gave him an ice cube in one of those mesh food things and he did NOT like it. But the new texture and temperature was too much to resist. He kept putting it back into his mouth, over and over again. But his reaction never changed!
Hmmm, what's this?

Ugh, I don't like it!

Maybe if I try again... Nope, still no good!

 This cute dog is the bane of my existence. Her name is Lily and she is the world's naughtiest dog. Her hobbies include, but are not limited to the following: barking while Georgie is napping, rolling around in the mud right after getting home from the groomer, digging through the bathroom trash, yanking on the leash during walks, and waking Mama up (not Daddy?) to go outside 45 minutes after nursing the baby. We tried to give her away, and her new family gave her back!
How can something so cute be so irritating?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Making Homemade Baby Food- Sweet Potatoes

We are getting close to starting Georgie on solids and I decided awhile ago that I wanted to make his baby food. It's cheaper and I know the freshness and quality of the ingredients. And I was told by other moms that making baby food is pretty easy.

First, I really like this book. It tells you step-by-step how to make each food and when to introduce it to your baby.

I decided to make and freeze sweet potatoes because the book recommends them as one of the first foods to introduce. I will probably introduce them as Georgie's second or third food. They are good in the freezer for 2-3 months.

So here we go...

1. Get ice cube trays and wash them well.

 2. Get some sweet potatoes and wash and scrub them. Pierce with a fork.

3. Line a baking pan with foil (lazy clean up) and heat your oven to 400.

4. Bake potatoes for 45ish minutes. While you are waiting, take your little one on a walk to enjoy the nice spring day. (See how bundled up he is, it's 50 degrees. I'm still a Florida girl at heart.)

Sorry for bad picture, very sunny! 

5. After your potatoes are finished baking, cut them half to let them cool enough that you can handle them. Then scoop out the potato into whatever you are going to use to puree them. I'm using a magic bullet. But the book says that a blender would work too.

6. Puree until very smooth. Check a few times to make sure it's all getting pureed. I had clumps sticking to the top.

7. Mush potatoes through a fine strainer to catch any bits of skin or fibrous bits. I didn't catch anything, but better safe than sorry for a very young baby.

8. Scoop into ice cube trays, cover with foil, and freeze for several hours. It took overnight for my potatoes to completely freeze.

9. Put in a freezer bag. The book recommends that you use quart size bags. By the time you get to the bottom of a gallon size bag, the food is no longer fresh from so much opening and closing of the bag. It also recommends you take a straw to suck out the air from the bag to keep it from getting freezer burned. Make sure to label and mark with the date. Pureed sweet potatoes look a lot like pureed carrots!

Special thanks to a cooperative peanut!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Weekly Menu and Finally!

Friday: Tomato Soup and Chef Salad from the deli at the grocery store
Saturday: Takeout (I'm feeling like Chipotle!)
Sunday: Frozen Pizza
Monday: Chicken Stir Fry and Brown Rice
Tuesday: Taco Night
Wednesday: Cabbage and Ham, Biscuits
Thursday: Cheese Ravioli and Salad

Finally Spring is Here!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

I Like Baby Bums!

I love baby bottoms. They are so cute. I think the outfits that have animals on the backside are the best. (Not inappropriate sayings, I do not like those.) Here is a tour of Georgie's cutest baby bum outfits.

The Puppy

The Giraffe

The Elephant

The Car (My personal favorite! It often goes Toot Toot. Hehe)

The Teddy Bear with a Football Helmet

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

October Skillet- So Delicious!

16 oz. package kielbasa
2 onions, quartered
2 tart apples, sliced
1 green pepper, chopped
2 T. butter
1/4 C packed brown sugar

Heat sausage in a skillet (cast iron is great) in a little oil until browned around the edges. Add the onion, apples, and pepper. Cook until tender. Add sugar and butter. Cook until a glaze forms on the sausage and veggies. So good! Serve with heavy carbs like mashed potatoes. Yum!