Monday, February 24, 2014

A Few of My Favorite Things

Having a newborn has been such an adventure. Georgie is changing from being a tiny newborn baby into being an older, bigger baby. He isn't as fragile as he used to be when he was first born. I don't want to forget some of my favorite things from his early days. So here goes...

  • Sweet Sighs: We held Georgie a lot (meaning all the time) when he was a newborn. I loved feeling his breath on my face. His breath smelled like a mixture of sweetness and sour milk.

  • Chubby Thighs: His thighs are so rolly polly. As he grows longer he is losing some of his rolls. He is becoming a longer, leaner baby. I love the squishiness of his chubby thighs and wish they could stay forever.

  • Knuckle Dimples: Can there be anything sweeter than a baby's knuckle dimples? Thankfully these don't seem to be going anywhere. I kiss his sweet little hands as often as I can.

  • Gummy Laughter: I love, love, love watching Georgie laugh while he has no teeth. He spreads his lips so wide and I can see the ridges of his gums and leftover milk on his tongue. An extra special treat is the double fisted laugh. He brings his two fists up to his mouth as he laughs. Love that!

  • Daddy's Favorite: The Booty Bump: Daddy loves it when we hold Georgie and he scoots up into the fetal position and his little bum sticks out. Sadly this little move is quickly disappearing the longer Georgie grows.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Hello Georgie!

Our beautiful son George was born on October 18, 2013. This blog is meant to be a record of his daily life for our family and friends who live far away. Welcome!